Julie Fortenberry

picture books


tagged schoolvisit

Can you imagine how you might illustrate a story? Which words require pictures? Most people have never imagined what a picture book story tells you without the illustrations. If you illustrated the book what would your characters look like? Before I read a picture book, I like to read a page or two without showing the illustrations.

I usually show a simple craft or drawing project between each book, to encourage kids to make their own characters.

Now, if you are writing the story, how do you start? Pirate Boy, by Eve Bunting illustrates the “What If?” type of storytelling , so I show a helpful template that I hope inspires kids to write their own stories.

In person full day (four half hour presentations) is $1600.
One half hour virtual visit is $350.

For more information on school and library visits please send a note to juliefortenberry@icloud.com

"It was so special to have Julie Fortenberry read to several classes of Kinder and 1st grade students. The students were so excited to share their cat masks, participate in the story and learn about how to draw emotions. They also learned about writing "What if…" stories and best of all, saw that it's okay to be shy! Teachers observed that their time with Ms. Fortenberry was more than just reading a book. The interaction corresponded to Reading, Writing, Social and Emotional, and Speaking and Listening standards. We can't recommend taking part in a presentation with Ms. Fortenberry highly enough!"
-- Tracey Rowley, Educational Technology Integration Specialist
Instructional Technology Dept., Tucson Unified School District

Thank you to DuPont Elementary for sending this photo!

Feb 16 — World Read Aloud Day
It was my pleasure to visit the following schools:
Sweet Apple Elementary, Roswell, GA
St. Andrew’s School, Clifton NJ
PS85X, New York, NY
North Hart Elementary, Bowersville, GA
Canada Elementary School, Mesquite, TX


While writing THE ARTIST AND THE KING I did a little research on the construction of the Maid Marian hat that my character, Daphne, makes. Thank you to The Girl Inspired for the beautiful hats in the link below! Thank you too, to Rosemarie Gulla for all of those magnificent hats at The Randolph County Library.
Party Hats 101: http://thegirlinspired.com/party-hats-101/