Julie Fortenberry

picture books


tagged wrad

Thank you to all the teachers and students who celebrated World Read Aloud Day with me! To Skype with authors and illustrators year round, check out the Microsoft Educator Community! https://education.microsoft.com/literacy

Skype with me on World Read Aloud Day

Skype visits are approximately 15 minutes long. I introduce myself and talk a bit about my books, read a short picture book, and answer some questions from students.

My available times are between 8 am and 5 pm EST.

If you’re a teacher or librarian and you’d like to schedule a free Skype visit, contact me via fortenberryillustration@gmail.com

  • Please provide the following information:

• Your name and grade(s) you work with
• Your city and time zone (important for scheduling)
• Possible times to Skype between 8 am and 5 pm EST
• Your Skype username
• A phone number where you can be reached in case of technical issues

Looking forward to World Read Aloud Day! Thank you to Kate Messner for making these Skype school visits possible. For more information on World Read Aloud Day, visit http://bit.ly/1MlNq6n